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Bryan Project: Small changes that made a big impact.

An accessible place with an expressive touch.

Photography by Garrett Mullin

When our clients approached us to help them design their space, they had a big request: BRING COLORS.

A bit about this project: A 2,000 sq ft condo with a 13 feet high ceiling, a patio, an open den to the living area, a bedroom, an open concept living area with a kitchen with a view of Bryan Place neighborhood in Dallas.

After our Inside and Out meeting, we clearly understood the issues that needed to be addressed to make a successful project, plus the client’s vision for the project.

Some of the issues were:

  • Accessibility

  • Acoustics

  • Open Den to the living area

  • Primary bedroom adaptation

  • An outdated kitchen

Some of the requirements from the homeowners:

  • Bring Colors

  • Incorporate their artwork into the project

  • A private home office

  • A seating arrangement where they could relax together

  • A contemporary and modern look

Our first goal was to create a vision statement that would align the project with our client's needs - This is the first step of our concept design phase - and the idea was:

“To Create a Home That is Comfortable and Relaxed with Expression and Accessibility for All.”


The Approach

In our first meeting, the clients showed us their 60 by 60 inches artwork. An abstract piece with bold colors, where they mentioned they love the colors in this piece and would love to incorporate them into their space. The wall art was the inspiration for the living area and kitchen color scheme.

Artwork owned by the homeowners. It dictates the color scheme of the living area and kitchen.

The goal was to use green to refresh and calm the space. Working and living in the same space, the project needed a color scheme that could give them peace and enjoyment at the same time.

One of the main problems in the living area was the acoustics. The building was built with exposed steel, concrete flooring, and floor-to-ceiling glass doors to the patio, helping the reverberation of the sounds of walking and talking above the expected. To add to this issue, the condo has a concrete bearing column on the corner of the space that would have to be incorporated into the design.

Acoustic Wallpaper made from 100% recycled PET bottles.

Our solution was to use an acoustic wallpaper made from 100% recycled PET bottles for half of the living area and around the concrete column. This way, not only do we bring some texture to the walls, we could put the sound levels under the normal acceptance for the space.

Also, on the sustainability side, the sideboard used in the dining area is a vintage piece of furniture acquired from an antique store in Dallas.

Sideboard acquired from an antique store in Dallas, Texas.


For the bedroom, the color scheme was a mix of navy blues and yellows, a vibrant and moody room where they could relax and enjoy the view of their energetic patio. The wallpaper introduced is low emitting LEED certified, free of phthalates, and printed with HAP-free inks.

To help our clients have a more accessible home for their future, we designed a new furniture layout and better door openings in case they need their motorized wheelchair. And also fixed the use of the oxygenator in the bedroom. Installed in the primary bathroom, the oxygenator must be plugged with the hose that goes to the bedroom for use while sleeping. First, the hose would go through the bedroom floor, making a hazardous trip to the bathroom in the middle of the night. To better fix this issue, we incorporated a half wall with six inches of depth to hide the hose through the wall. Then, with the help of our contractor team, we designed the duct so that our clients could change the hidden hose whenever possible.

Shiplap wall to bring texture and access to oxygenator..


Our clients wanted a space where they could host some friends for a few days and work privately. With that, a private home office with a sofa bed was one of the significant changes we incorporated. With an open den to the kitchen and living area, our first goal was to close the den with a wall and incorporate a moody and masculine design into the new home office. However, with no windows to the outside, our solution was to put a window on top of the new wall to bring some natural light from the living area and put mirrors to reflect the light that comes from outside during the day. This way, the homeowners and guests can feel day and night through the windows and frost glass doors.


For the patio, vibrant orange and yellow were the predominant colors for the space. A seating and dining area for four people with areca palms in the four corners of the patio brought an intimate and cozy atmosphere for drinks on the sunsets and grilling on the weekends.


To bring a modern look to the condo, the clients agreed that we should paint the HVAC ducts and the exposed steel bins in a neutral color. Deep charcoal was the best choice for those. It not only makes it look better, but it ties nicely with the color schemes of each room.

To put a feminine touch on the condo, we presented our clients with a beautiful intertwined brass chandelier they love at first sight. It anchored the living area and gave the amount of light needed for the entire space.


Project Credits:

Design: Lima-Stanley Design

Interior Design: Lima-Stanley Design

Interior Landscape Design: Lima-Stanley Design

Main Contractor: Solid Rock Remodeling

Photography: Garrett Mullin

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